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Shabby Chic GuestroomShabby Chic Guestroom

Shabby chic is a style that gives you the opportunity to make a room negligent and nonchalant. The use of subdued colors works well. A vintage lamp, a few books and some torn papers out of magazines we've put on an iron Ikea table that we've painted powder pink with wall paint to give the table a ma…

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Little work of art / klein kunstwerkjeLittle work of art / klein kunstwerkje

Experimenting with white clay, this little work of art came out. A heart with a floral imprint and 3D-lettering. I've placed them on a shabby painted piece of wood and added the words "Love is the answer to all questions", because I believe Love is. I loved working with the clay and I'm sure to make…

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FridayPost / VrijdagPostFridayPost / VrijdagPost

illustration by Shabby blog…

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Music on the wall / Muziek aan de muurMusic on the wall / Muziek aan de muur

A nice idea to give a room or studio an extra touch is to place vintage vinyls on your wall. Choose a few colors that you like and match them on the wall like Claire did at her home studio. For example a cyan vinyl looks beautiful on a yellow-brown wall. It is also nice to use different sizes of vin…

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We are so proud! Our first Blog Award!  Wat zijn we trots! Onze eerste BlogAward!Thank you to Chaosmami And we would like to pass on this award to the following beautiful blogs: Hier die Regeln:Du bist ge…

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Vintage lamps / Vintage lampenVintage lamps / Vintage lampen

I just love those old vintage lamps! Found some during treasure hunting. Will make some changes on them later. You'll see! :)Ik houd van deze vintage lampen. Een aantal gevonden tijdens schatzoeken. Ik zal wat veranderen aan de lampen op een later moment. Je zult het zien! :) …

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Pink Vintage Scale / Roze Vintage WeegschaalPink Vintage Scale / Roze Vintage Weegschaal

During treasure hunting I found this funny pink vintage scale and I fell in love with it! The weight you'll see onder a glass curved display. You never have cold feet again because of the fabric on it. And yes, pink is the color; very female and sweet!Tijdens het schatzoeken vond ik deze grappige ro…

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Vintage Rug / Vintage vloerkleedVintage Rug / Vintage vloerkleed

A vintage rug. I was searching for a long time in thrift shops for a nice one in washed colors. Eventually I found one! Not very large, but large enough for our hall at home. Actually, I think it is a little too new for a vintage rug, so hopefully the colors and texture will be faded more, as people…

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